Varonis for Active Directory

Varonis helps you find and fix AD misconfigurations that hackers commonly exploit to gain access, move laterally, persist, and ultimately steal your data.  

  • Misconfigs
  • Monitoring
  • Alerting
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Partner with the leader in data security.

Forrester’s report states "Varonis is a top choice for organizations prioritizing deep data visibility, classification capabilities, and automated remediation for data access."

Identity threat detection and response (ITDR)

Complex AD environments are difficult to protect and easy for attackers to exploit, opening the door to troves of sensitive data. Native AD auditing tools on their own don’t provide enough visibility or context to effectively defend against these advanced attacks. Varonis proactively improves your AD security posture and detects anomalous activity with the most advanced ITDR on the market.

Track and improve your AD security posture.

Get real-time awareness of your top AD risks and attack paths such as admins with SPNs and accounts vulnerable to pass-the-ticket attacks. Untangle complex domains, close your gaps, and reduce risk.

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Monitor Active Directory and Entra ID events.

By correlating AD events with data access and network activity, Varonis can spot behavioral anomalies like a service account accessing sensitive data for the first time.

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Get AI-powered threat detection with 24x7 coverage.

Varonis uses machine learning to develop user behavior profiles and baselines for every user and device in your environment. Add MDDR to unlock a global team that will investigate and respond to your alerts 24x7x365. 

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Varonis solves common Active Directory security challenges.

Here are just some of the risks Varonis can eliminate in Active Directory.

Kerberoasting, ticket attacks, password sprays

  • Varonis has many expert-built threat models to detect common AD attacks
  • Detect and respond to Kerberoasting and delegation attacks
  • Identify and fix accounts and configurations that make you vulnerable to password sprays, credential stuffing, and other brute force attacks

DCSync and DCShadow attacks

  • Varonis has built in threat models designed to catch both DCSync and DCShadow attacks
  • No custom rule-writing or static detections required
  • Trigger automated actions in response to AD attacks and/or send alerts to your SIEM/SOC/SOAR 

Changes to GPOs and DC settings

  • Varonis tracks all changes to group policies, users, computer accounts, password settings and much more
  • Full audit log of all changes performed in AD with who, what, when, where details
  • Setup alerts to be notified of changes outside of change control windows, changes to privileged accounts and groups, password resets, and more

One platform for multi-cloud, SaaS, and on-premises data.

Varonis protects enterprise data where it lives — in the largest and most important data stores and applications across the cloud and behind your firewall.

Ready to see the #1 Data Security Platform in action?

Ready to see the #1 Data Security Platform in action?