Data Discovery and Classification

Get actionable and accurate data classification that scales. Varonis automatically finds, classifies, labels, and locks down sensitive data across your cloud and on-prem data stores. 

  • Complete
  • Current
  • Contextual

Partner with the leader in data security.

Forrester’s report states "Varonis is a top choice for organizations prioritizing deep data visibility, classification capabilities, and automated remediation for data access."

Escape findings fatigue and false positives.

Most data classification projects stall due to buggy machine learning technology that produces millions of false positives and sampling techniques that create risky blind spots. Varonis continuously scans all your data efficiently and gives you a clear path to reducing risk.

Scan everything, everywhere

  • Structured databases and data warehouses 
  • Unstructured data in files, folders, and buckets 
  • Semi-structured data in SaaS apps and email 
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See and fix exposed sensitive data

  • Reduce your blast radius 
  • Eliminate stale sensitive data 
  • Monitor and alert on suspicious activity 

Auto-enforce labeling and DLP policies

  • Auto-apply missing labels
  • Auto-fix incorrect labels
  • Encrypt, mask, archive, and delete data 


Accurate data inventory

Our classification engineers design and validate our growing library of out-of-the-box classifiers to ensure industry-best results. Easily confirm findings with file analysis, which shows you exactly where the classification result appears within a document. 

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Flexible classifiers and policies

Automatically discover PII, PCI, PHI, passwords, tokens, and more across cloud apps and infrastructure, on-prem file shares, and hybrid NAS devices. Easily customize rules to discover intellectual property or other org-specific data. 

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Accurate and actionable MPIP labels. 

Varonis fully integrates with Microsoft Purview to enhance Microsoft's native classification in E3 and E5.  Create granular policies to fit your needs, automatically fix manual gaps, and re-label files as your data changes — making downstream DLP controls more effective. 


Exposure and threat analysis

Know where sensitive data is concentrated and exposed so that you can prioritize remediation. Deep permissions analysis, automated remediation, and real-time data detection and response help ensure data is classified and protected. 

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True incremental scanning

With Varonis, your scans are always current. Our activity auditing detects files created or changed; there is no need to re-scan every file or check the last modified date. Control your classification scope by location or file type for even speedier results. 

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One platform for multi-cloud, SaaS, and on-premises data.

Varonis protects enterprise data where it lives — in the largest and most important data stores and applications across the cloud and behind your firewall.

Ready to see the #1 Data Security Platform in action?

Ready to see the #1 Data Security Platform in action?