Cloud DLP

Our agentless, cloud-native DLP automatically discovers and classifies sensitive data at rest, prevents exposure, monitors data activity, and stops data exfiltration.

  • Cloud-native
  • Agentless
  • Automated
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Partner with the leader in data security.

Forrester’s report states "Varonis is a top choice for organizations prioritizing deep data visibility, classification capabilities, and automated remediation for data access."

Agentless DLP that stops cloud data breaches

Legacy DLP relies on endpoint and network-based agents to detect and stop sensitive data loss. This approach is blind to attacks on cloud data. Varonis’ cloud DLP protects data where it lives with API-based analysis and monitoring.

Discover everything, everywhere

  • Structured databases and data warehouses
  • Unstructured data in files, folders, and buckets
  • Semi-structured data in SaaS apps and email

Fix exposed sensitive data

  • Reduce your blast radius
  • Eliminate stale sensitive data
  • Monitor and alert on suspicious activity

Detect and stop risky data flows

  • Alert on abnormal behavior
  • Automate responses
  • Get 24x7x365 MDDR coverage

Agentless data discovery and classification

Battle-tested in complex multi-petabyte environments for militaries and Fortune 100 companies, Varonis gives you complete, current, and contextual data classification.

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Accurate and actionable MPIP labels. 

Varonis fully integrates with Microsoft Purview to enhance Microsoft's native classification in E3 and E5.  Create granular policies to fit your needs, automatically fix manual gaps, and re-label files as your data changes — making downstream DLP controls more effective. 


Data exposure and risk analysis

Know who has access to your sensitive data at all times. The Varonis access graph factors in entitlements, group memberships, sharing links, muting permissions and more, giving you the most accurate view of sensitive data risk on the planet.

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Data detection and response

Get a searchable forensic audit trail of data access activity, permissions changes, link sharing, email send/receive, authentication events, and much more. Varonis builds a behavior baseline for every user and responds to threats.

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One platform for multi-cloud, SaaS, and on-premises data.

Varonis protects enterprise data where it lives — in the largest and most important data stores and applications across the cloud and behind your firewall.

Ready to see the #1 Data Security Platform in action?

Ready to see the #1 Data Security Platform in action?