Varonis for Microsoft 365

Protect your critical Microsoft 365 data with least privilege automation, data-centric UEBA, and world-class data classification. 

  • Agentless
  • Automated
  • Azure Marketplace

Partner with the leader in data security.

Forrester’s report states "Varonis is a top choice for organizations prioritizing deep data visibility, classification capabilities, and automated remediation for data access."

Securely deploy Microsoft 365 Copilot.

Copilot scours your environment, searching through all the sensitive data that a user can access, which is often far too much. Varonis helps you prepare for a safe Copilot rollout by limiting each user's access and detecting abnormal use of AI tools that pose a security threat.

Find and classify sensitive data across Microsoft 365.  

Automatically and accurately classify sensitive data shared across your environment. Varonis looks inside every file and folder to find sensitive information, and show you exactly where it lives and who has access to it — all in an easy-to-read file tree. 

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Apply accurate and actionable MPIP labels. 

Varonis fully integrates with Microsoft Purview to enhance Microsoft's native classification in E3 and E5.  Create granular policies to fit your needs, automatically fix manual gaps, and re-label files as your data changes — making downstream DLP controls more effective. 


Enforce least privilege across Microsoft 365.

Effortlessly eliminate data exposure from shared links and excessive permissions. Varonis makes intelligent decisions about who needs access to data and who doesn’t and then automatically remediates risky permissions at scale.   

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Uncover data exposure with deep permissions analysis.

View your Microsoft environment's permission structures in a single interface and ensure only the right people have access to important files, folders, and mailboxes. We calculate effective permissions so you can prioritize remediation based on risk.

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Stop attackers and rogue insiders.

Varonis uses behavior-based detections to alert you to threats like anomalous sensitive data access, the presence of hacking tools, or suspicious sharing activity. Configure auto-response actions in Varonis or integrate Varonis with Microsoft Sentinel for a holistic view of risk.
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Streamline cross-cloud investigations.

Varonis monitors data access activity in Microsoft 365 and corporate file shares and logs a complete audit trail, quickly investigating threats that move laterally across your cloud and on-prem environments. 

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Protect critical identities in Entra ID.

By combining Entra ID activity with data and network events, Varonis can easily spot anomalous behavior, such as a service account accessing stale data, brute-force attacks, or logins from abnormal locations. Speed up investigations with full data visibility.
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Varonis solves common Microsoft 365 and Entra ID data security challenges.

Sensitive data exposure from risky permissions

  • Identify shared links and excessive permissions. 
  • Automatically correct org-wide permissions and delete stale users. 
  • Limit access change permissions to a small group of admins.  

Microsoft Teams sprawl

  • Use dynamic dashboards to clearly visualize the impact of Teams collaboration.
  • Pinpoint and remediate stale, risky, or excessive access.
  • Monitor activity to detect suspicious sharing behavior or unusual permission changes.

Exposed mailboxes and calendars in Exchange

  • Identify mailboxes exposed to guest and external users, non-mailbox owners, or delegates.
  • Right-size access to sensitive mailboxes and calendars.
  • Detect and flag data privacy violations or improper data handling.

One platform for multi-cloud, SaaS, and on-premises data.

Varonis protects enterprise data where it lives — in the largest and most important data stores and applications across the cloud and behind your firewall.

Ready to see the #1 Data Security Platform in action?

Ready to see the #1 Data Security Platform in action?