Varonis for Healthcare

Keep sensitive patient data secure, reduce your risk from ransomware, and automate HIPAA compliance.

Healthcare data is at risk.

When not only critical data but also lives are at stake, security couldn’t be more important. Healthcare is one of the most highly targeted sectors by ransomware and the effects of an attack can be widespread and crippling.


of healthcare
face at least one
security breach.


average number
of sensitive
files a healthcare
worker can access


of all sensitive
files are open
to every


average cost
of a

Detect & prevent ransomware

Varonis automatically detects early signs of ransomware with behavior-based threat models. Alerts can trigger automated responses, like ending affected users’ sessions or changing passwords, to stop an attack in its tracks.

Data identification illustration

Secure PHI

Automatically identify and classify PHI across your cloud and on-prem data stores and limit who can access it. Varonis can implement access changes automatically without interrupting day-to-day operations.

Content labeling illustration

Achieve HIPAA compliance

Monitor how PHI is accessed or shared to ensure confidentiality, prevent unauthorized access, and protect against cyberthreats. A full audit log of data activity helps satisfy auditors and meet breach notification requirements.

Data Discovery and Classification illustration

Ready to see the #1 Data Security Platform in action?

Ready to see the #1 Data Security Platform in action?