Varonis for Education
Keep student data safe from cyberattacks and automate regulatory compliance.
Student data is at risk.
Educational institutions are responsible for managing and protecting the personal data of thousands of students, which makes them prime targets for ransomware and other cyberthreats. With 20% of files open to every employee on average, a single compromised user could cause far-reaching and disastrous consequences. A data-centric security approach is crucial to mitigate risk and protect sensitive data from threats.
Detect & prevent ransomware.
Varonis utilizes behavior-based threat models to detect the early signs of ransomware automatically. Alerts can trigger automated responses, like terminating an affected user’s session or changing a password, to help stop an attack in its tracks.
Secure student data.
Automatically identify and classify sensitive student, faculty, and staff data such as PII and PHI across your cloud and on-premise data stores and limit who can access it. Varonis can implement access changes automatically without interrupting day-to-day operations.
Achieve regulatory compliance.
Monitor how sensitive and regulated student data like FERPA and HIPAA relevant data is accessed and shared to easily report on security violations, prevent unauthorized access, and protect against cyberthreats. A full audit log of data activity helps satisfy auditors and meet breach notification requirements.

Now our sensitive data—especially our student data—is secure. I love that I can plug an end user’s name into Varonis and see a list of every folder they have access to.