Data Security
Personally Identifiable Information Hides in Dark Data
Apr 30, 2013
To my mind, HIPAA has the most sophisticated view of PII of all the US laws on the books. Their working definition encompasses vanilla identifiers: social security and credit card...
Revealed: Secret PIIs in your Unstructured Data!
Mar 21, 2013
Personally identifiable information or PII is pretty intuitive. If you know someone’s phone, social security, or credit card number, you have a direct link to their identity. Hackers use these...
Is DNA Really Personally Identifiable Information (PII)? No. Maybe? Yes!
Feb 04, 2013
Biometric data is at the limits of what current personal data privacy laws consider worthy of protection. This type of identifier covers fingerprints, voiceprints, and facial images. While the risk...
Using Varonis: Who Owns What?
Dec 11, 2012
The key difference between attempting to assign data owners manually and attacking it intelligently with Varonis is the DatAdvantage audit trail.
The Definitive Guide to Cryptographic Hash Functions (Part II)
Aug 14, 2012
Last time I talked about how cryptographic hash functions are used to scramble passwords. I also stressed why it is extremely important to not be able to take a hash...
Lessons Learned from Mat Honan's Epic Hacking
Aug 08, 2012
” Password-based security mechanisms — which can be cracked, reset, and socially engineered — no longer suffice in the era of cloud computing.” If you haven’t read Gizmodo writer Mat Honan’s...
The Definitive Guide to Cryptographic Hash Functions (Part 1)
Aug 02, 2012
Give me any message and I will create a secret code to obscure it. Try it! “This really opened my eyes to AD security in a way defensive work never...
The Difference Between Everyone and Authenticated Users
Jul 03, 2012
In order to maintain proper access controls, it’s crucial to understand what every entity on an access control list (ACL) represents, including the implicit identities that are built into a...
SharePoint Permissions Cheat Sheet
Jun 05, 2012
Complexity is dangerous in the security world. The harder something is to understand, the harder it is to protect. SharePoint falls squarely into this category. Configuring permissions in SharePoint can...
Exchange Journaling and Diagnostics: How to
May 03, 2012
Journaling and Diagnostics Logging are services to monitor and audit activity on Microsoft Exchange servers. They provide basic auditing functionality for email activity (e.g. who sent which message to whom)...
5 Things You Should Know About Big Data
Apr 24, 2012
Big data is a very hot topic, and with the Splunk IPO last week seeing a 1999-style spike, the bandwagon is overflowing. We’re poised to see many businesses pivoting into...
What is OAuth? Definition and How it Works
Apr 05, 2012
OAuth (Open Authentication) is an open-standard authorization protocol or framework that provides applications the ability for “secure designated access.” It is a way for users to grant websites or applications access to their information without giving away their passwords.
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