This article is part of the series "Practical PowerShell for IT Security". Check out the rest:
In the previous post in this series, I suggested that it may be possible to unify my separate scripts — one for event handling, the other for classification — into a single system. Dare I say it, a security platform based on pure PowerShell code?
After I worked out a few details, mostly having to do with migraine-inducing PowerShell events, I was able to declare victory and register my patent for SSP, the Security Scripting Platform ©.
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United States of PowerShell
While I’m having an unforgettable PowerShell adventure, I realize that a few of you may not be able to recall my recent scripting handiwork.
Let’s review together.
In the first post, I introduced the amazing one line of PowerShell that watched for file events and triggered a PS-style script block — that is, a piece of scripting code than runs in its own memory space.
Register-WmiEvent -Query "SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent WITHIN 5 WHERE TargetInstance ISA 'CIM_DataFile' and TargetInstance.Path = '\\Users\\bob\\' and targetInstance.Drive = 'C:' and (targetInstance.Extension = 'doc' or targetInstance.Extension = 'txt)' and targetInstance.LastAccessed > '$($cur)' " -sourceIdentifier "Accessor" -Action $action
- Register-WmiEvent -Query "SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent WITHIN 5 WHERE TargetInstance ISA 'CIM_DataFile' and TargetInstance.Path = '\\Users\\bob\\' and targetInstance.Drive = 'C:' and (targetInstance.Extension = 'doc' or targetInstance.Extension = 'txt)' and targetInstance.LastAccessed > '$($cur)' " -sourceIdentifier "Accessor" -Action $action
Register-WmiEvent -Query "SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent WITHIN 5 WHERE TargetInstance ISA 'CIM_DataFile' and TargetInstance.Path = '\\Users\\bob\\' and targetInstance.Drive = 'C:' and (targetInstance.Extension = 'doc' or targetInstance.Extension = 'txt)' and targetInstance.LastAccessed > '$($cur)' " -sourceIdentifier "Accessor" -Action $action
With a little more scripting sauce, I then cooked up what I called a File Access Analytics (FAA) app. Effectively, it tallies up the access event and displays some basic stats, and also detects bursts of access activity, which could indicate hacking behavior.
It’s a simplified version of User Behavior Analytics (UBA) technology that we’re keen on here at Varonis.
So far, so good.
Then in the third post, I showed how relatively easy it is with PowerShell to scan and classify files in a folder. Since this is a disk-intensive activity, it makes incredible sense to use PowerShell’s multi-tasking capability, known as Runspaces to speed up the classification work.
In the real-world of file event handling and data classification, say Varonis’s Data Classification Framework, a more optimized approach to categorizing file content is to feed file events into the classification engine.
Because then you don’t have to reclassify file content from scratch: you only look at the files that have changed. My classifier script would therefor benefit greatly by knowing something about file modification events.
That’s the approach I took with SSP.
Varonis’s own agents, which catch Linux or Windows file events, are finely tuned low-level code. For this kind of work, you want the code to be lean, mean, and completely focused on collecting events and to quickly pass this info to other apps that can do higher-level processing.
So I took my original event handling script, streamlined it and removed all the code to display statistics. I then reworked the classifier to scan for specific files that have been modified.
Basically, it’s a classic combination of a back-end engine coupled with a front-end interface.
The question is how to connect the two scripts: how do I tell the classifier that there’s been a file event?
Messages and Events
After spending a few long afternoons scanning the dev forums, I eventually stumbled upon PowerShell’s Register-EngineEvent.
What is this PowerShell cmdlet?
In my mind, it’s a way to pass messages using a named event that you can share between scripts. It works a little bit differently from traditional system messaging and queues since the received message asynchronously triggers a PowerShell script block. This’ll become clearer below.
In any case, register-EngineEvent
register-EngineEvent has two faces. With the -forward
-forward parameter, it acts as a publisher. And without the -forward ,
-forward ,parameter it takes on the role of a receiver.
Got that?
I used the event name Delta — technically the SourceIdentifer — to coordinate between my event handler script, which pushes out event messages, and my classifier script, which receives these message.
In the first of two scripts snippets below, I show how I register the public Delta event name with -Register-EngineEvent -forward
-Register-EngineEvent -forward, and then wait for internal file access events. When one comes in, I then send the internal file event message — in PowerShell-speak, it’s forwarded — to the corresponding Register-EngineEvent
Register-EngineEventin the classifier script in the second snippet.
Register-EngineEvent -SourceIdentifier Delta -Forward While ($true) { $args=Wait-Event -SourceIdentifier Access # wait on internal file event Remove-Event -SourceIdentifier Access if ($args.MessageData -eq "Access") { #do some plain access processing New-Event -SourceIdentifier Delta -EventArguments $args.SourceArgs -MessageData $args.MessageData #send event to classifier via forwarding } elseif ($args.MessageData -eq "Burst") { #do some burst processing New-Event -SourceIdentifier Delta -EventArguments $args.SourceArgs -MessageData $args.MessageData #send event to classifier via forwarding } }
- Register-EngineEvent -SourceIdentifier Delta -Forward
- While ($true) {
- $args=Wait-Event -SourceIdentifier Access # wait on internal file event
- Remove-Event -SourceIdentifier Access
- if ($args.MessageData -eq "Access") {
- #do some plain access processing
- New-Event -SourceIdentifier Delta -EventArguments $args.SourceArgs -MessageData $args.MessageData #send event to classifier via forwarding
- }
- elseif ($args.MessageData -eq "Burst") {
- #do some burst processing
- New-Event -SourceIdentifier Delta -EventArguments $args.SourceArgs -MessageData $args.MessageData #send event to classifier via forwarding
- }
- }
Register-EngineEvent -SourceIdentifier Delta -Forward While ($true) { $args=Wait-Event -SourceIdentifier Access # wait on internal file event Remove-Event -SourceIdentifier Access if ($args.MessageData -eq "Access") { #do some plain access processing New-Event -SourceIdentifier Delta -EventArguments $args.SourceArgs -MessageData $args.MessageData #send event to classifier via forwarding } elseif ($args.MessageData -eq "Burst") { #do some burst processing New-Event -SourceIdentifier Delta -EventArguments $args.SourceArgs -MessageData $args.MessageData #send event to classifier via forwarding } }
On the receiving side, I leave out the -forward
-forward parameter and instead pass in a PowerShell script bock, which asynchronously handles the event. You can see this below.
Register-EngineEvent -SourceIdentifier Delta -Action { Remove-Event -SourceIdentifier Delta if($event.MessageData -eq "Access") { $filename = $args[0] #got file! Lock-Object $deltafile.SyncRoot{ $deltafile[$filename]=1} #lock&load } elseif ($event.Messagedata -eq "Burst") { #do something } }
- Register-EngineEvent -SourceIdentifier Delta -Action {
- Remove-Event -SourceIdentifier Delta
- if($event.MessageData -eq "Access") {
- $filename = $args[0] #got file!
- Lock-Object $deltafile.SyncRoot{ $deltafile[$filename]=1} #lock&load
- }
- elseif ($event.Messagedata -eq "Burst") {
- #do something
- }
- }
Register-EngineEvent -SourceIdentifier Delta -Action { Remove-Event -SourceIdentifier Delta if($event.MessageData -eq "Access") { $filename = $args[0] #got file! Lock-Object $deltafile.SyncRoot{ $deltafile[$filename]=1} #lock&load } elseif ($event.Messagedata -eq "Burst") { #do something } }
Confused? And have I mentioned recently that file event handling is not easy, and that my toy scripts won’t stand up to business-level processing?
This gets messy because the New-Event
New-Event and Wait-Event
Wait-Eventcmdlets for internal event messaging are different from the external event messaging provided by Register-EngineEvent.
More Messiness
The full classification script is presented below. I’ll talk a little more about it in the next and final post in this series. In the meantime, gaze upon it in all its event-handling and multi-tasking glory.
Import-Module -Name .\pslock.psm1 -Verbose function updatecnts { Param ( [parameter(position=1)] $match, [parameter(position=2)] $obj ) for($j=0; $j -lt $match.Count;$j=$j+2) { switch -wildcard ($match[$j]) { 'Top*' { $obj| Add-Member -Force -type NoteProperty -Name Secret -Value $match[$j+1] } 'Sens*' { $obj| Add-Member -Force -type NoteProperty -Name Sensitive -Value $match[$j+1] } 'Numb*' { $obj| Add-Member -Force -type NoteProperty -Name Numbers -Value $match[$j+1] } } } return $obj } $scan = { $name=$args[0] function scan { Param ( [parameter(position=1)] [string] $Name ) $classify =@{"Top Secret"=[regex]'[tT]op [sS]ecret'; "Sensitive"=[regex]'([Cc]onfidential)|([sS]nowflake)'; "Numbers"=[regex]'[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{3}' } $data = Get-Content $Name $cnts= @() if($data.Length -eq 0) { return $cnts} foreach ($key in $classify.Keys) { $m=$classify[$key].matches($data) if($m.Count -gt 0) { $cnts+= @($key,$m.Count) } } $cnts } scan $name } $outarray = @() #where I keep classification stats $deltafile = [hashtable]::Synchronized(@{}) #hold file events for master loop $list=Get-WmiObject -Query "SELECT * From CIM_DataFile where Path = '\\Users\\bob\\' and Drive = 'C:' and (Extension = 'txt' or Extension = 'doc' or Extension = 'rtf')" #long list --let's multithread #runspace $RunspacePool = [RunspaceFactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1,5) $RunspacePool.Open() $Tasks = @() foreach ($item in $list) { $Task = [powershell]::Create().AddScript($scan).AddArgument($item.Name) $Task.RunspacePool = $RunspacePool $status= $Task.BeginInvoke() $Tasks += @($status,$Task,$item.Name) } Register-EngineEvent -SourceIdentifier Delta -Action { Remove-Event -SourceIdentifier Delta if($event.MessageData -eq "Access") { $filename = $args[0] #got file Lock-Object $deltafile.SyncRoot{ $deltafile[$filename]=1} #lock& load } elseif ($event.Messagedata -eq "Burst") { #do something } } while ($Tasks.isCompleted -contains $false){ } #check results of tasks for ($i=0; $i -lt $Tasks.Count; $i=$i+3){ $match=$Tasks[$i+1].EndInvoke($Tasks[$i]) if ($match.Count -gt 0) { # update clasafication array $obj = New-Object System.Object $obj | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name File -Value $Tasks[$i+2] #defaults $obj| Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name Secret -Value 0 $obj| Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name Sensitive -Value 0 $obj| Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name Numbers -Value 0 $obj=updatecnts $match $obj $outarray += $obj } $Tasks[$i+1].Dispose() } $outarray | Out-GridView -Title "Content Classification" #display #run event handler as a separate job Start-Job -Name EventHandler -ScriptBlock({C:\Users\bob\Documents\evhandler.ps1}) #run event handler in background while ($true) { #the master executive loop Start-Sleep -seconds 10 Lock-Object $deltafile.SyncRoot { #lock and iterate through synchronized list foreach ($key in $deltafile.Keys) { $filename=$key if($deltafile[$key] -eq 0) { continue} #nothing new $deltafile[$key]=0 $match = & $scan $filename #run scriptblock #incremental part $found=$false $class=$false if($match.Count -gt 0) {$class =$true} #found sensitive data if($outarray.File -contains $filename) {$found = $true} #already in the array if (!$found -and !$class){continue} #let's add/update if (!$found) { $obj = New-Object System.Object $obj | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name File -Value $Tasks[$i+2] #defaults $obj| Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name Secret -Value 0 $obj| Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name Sensitive -Value 0 $obj| Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name Numbers -Value 0 $obj=updatecnts $match $obj } else { $outarray|? {$_.File -eq $filename} | % { updatecnts $match $_} } $outarray | Out-GridView -Title "Content Classification ( $(get-date -format M/d/yy:HH:MM) )" } #foreach } #lock }#while Write-Host "Done!"
- Import-Module -Name .\pslock.psm1 -Verbose
- function updatecnts {
- Param (
- [parameter(position=1)]
- $match,
- [parameter(position=2)]
- $obj
- )
- for($j=0; $j -lt $match.Count;$j=$j+2) {
- switch -wildcard ($match[$j]) {
- 'Top*' { $obj| Add-Member -Force -type NoteProperty -Name Secret -Value $match[$j+1] }
- 'Sens*' { $obj| Add-Member -Force -type NoteProperty -Name Sensitive -Value $match[$j+1] }
- 'Numb*' { $obj| Add-Member -Force -type NoteProperty -Name Numbers -Value $match[$j+1] }
- }
- }
- return $obj
- }
- $scan = {
- $name=$args[0]
- function scan {
- Param (
- [parameter(position=1)]
- [string] $Name
- )
- $classify =@{"Top Secret"=[regex]'[tT]op [sS]ecret'; "Sensitive"=[regex]'([Cc]onfidential)|([sS]nowflake)'; "Numbers"=[regex]'[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{3}' }
- $data = Get-Content $Name
- $cnts= @()
- if($data.Length -eq 0) { return $cnts}
- foreach ($key in $classify.Keys) {
- $m=$classify[$key].matches($data)
- if($m.Count -gt 0) {
- $cnts+= @($key,$m.Count)
- }
- }
- $cnts
- }
- scan $name
- }
- $outarray = @() #where I keep classification stats
- $deltafile = [hashtable]::Synchronized(@{}) #hold file events for master loop
- $list=Get-WmiObject -Query "SELECT * From CIM_DataFile where Path = '\\Users\\bob\\' and Drive = 'C:' and (Extension = 'txt' or Extension = 'doc' or Extension = 'rtf')"
- #long list --let's multithread
- #runspace
- $RunspacePool = [RunspaceFactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1,5)
- $RunspacePool.Open()
- $Tasks = @()
- foreach ($item in $list) {
- $Task = [powershell]::Create().AddScript($scan).AddArgument($item.Name)
- $Task.RunspacePool = $RunspacePool
- $status= $Task.BeginInvoke()
- $Tasks += @($status,$Task,$item.Name)
- }
- Register-EngineEvent -SourceIdentifier Delta -Action {
- Remove-Event -SourceIdentifier Delta
- if($event.MessageData -eq "Access") {
- $filename = $args[0] #got file
- Lock-Object $deltafile.SyncRoot{ $deltafile[$filename]=1} #lock& load
- }
- elseif ($event.Messagedata -eq "Burst") {
- #do something
- }
- }
- while ($Tasks.isCompleted -contains $false){
- }
- #check results of tasks
- for ($i=0; $i -lt $Tasks.Count; $i=$i+3){
- $match=$Tasks[$i+1].EndInvoke($Tasks[$i])
- if ($match.Count -gt 0) { # update clasafication array
- $obj = New-Object System.Object
- $obj | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name File -Value $Tasks[$i+2]
- #defaults
- $obj| Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name Secret -Value 0
- $obj| Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name Sensitive -Value 0
- $obj| Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name Numbers -Value 0
- $obj=updatecnts $match $obj
- $outarray += $obj
- }
- $Tasks[$i+1].Dispose()
- }
- $outarray | Out-GridView -Title "Content Classification" #display
- #run event handler as a separate job
- Start-Job -Name EventHandler -ScriptBlock({C:\Users\bob\Documents\evhandler.ps1}) #run event handler in background
- while ($true) { #the master executive loop
- Start-Sleep -seconds 10
- Lock-Object $deltafile.SyncRoot { #lock and iterate through synchronized list
- foreach ($key in $deltafile.Keys) {
- $filename=$key
- if($deltafile[$key] -eq 0) { continue} #nothing new
- $deltafile[$key]=0
- $match = & $scan $filename #run scriptblock
- #incremental part
- $found=$false
- $class=$false
- if($match.Count -gt 0)
- {$class =$true} #found sensitive data
- if($outarray.File -contains $filename)
- {$found = $true} #already in the array
- if (!$found -and !$class){continue}
- #let's add/update
- if (!$found) {
- $obj = New-Object System.Object
- $obj | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name File -Value $Tasks[$i+2]
- #defaults
- $obj| Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name Secret -Value 0
- $obj| Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name Sensitive -Value 0
- $obj| Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name Numbers -Value 0
- $obj=updatecnts $match $obj
- }
- else {
- $outarray|? {$_.File -eq $filename} | % { updatecnts $match $_}
- }
- $outarray | Out-GridView -Title "Content Classification ( $(get-date -format M/d/yy:HH:MM) )"
- } #foreach
- } #lock
- }#while
- Write-Host "Done!"
Import-Module -Name .\pslock.psm1 -Verbose function updatecnts { Param ( [parameter(position=1)] $match, [parameter(position=2)] $obj ) for($j=0; $j -lt $match.Count;$j=$j+2) { switch -wildcard ($match[$j]) { 'Top*' { $obj| Add-Member -Force -type NoteProperty -Name Secret -Value $match[$j+1] } 'Sens*' { $obj| Add-Member -Force -type NoteProperty -Name Sensitive -Value $match[$j+1] } 'Numb*' { $obj| Add-Member -Force -type NoteProperty -Name Numbers -Value $match[$j+1] } } } return $obj } $scan = { $name=$args[0] function scan { Param ( [parameter(position=1)] [string] $Name ) $classify =@{"Top Secret"=[regex]'[tT]op [sS]ecret'; "Sensitive"=[regex]'([Cc]onfidential)|([sS]nowflake)'; "Numbers"=[regex]'[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{3}' } $data = Get-Content $Name $cnts= @() if($data.Length -eq 0) { return $cnts} foreach ($key in $classify.Keys) { $m=$classify[$key].matches($data) if($m.Count -gt 0) { $cnts+= @($key,$m.Count) } } $cnts } scan $name } $outarray = @() #where I keep classification stats $deltafile = [hashtable]::Synchronized(@{}) #hold file events for master loop $list=Get-WmiObject -Query "SELECT * From CIM_DataFile where Path = '\\Users\\bob\\' and Drive = 'C:' and (Extension = 'txt' or Extension = 'doc' or Extension = 'rtf')" #long list --let's multithread #runspace $RunspacePool = [RunspaceFactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1,5) $RunspacePool.Open() $Tasks = @() foreach ($item in $list) { $Task = [powershell]::Create().AddScript($scan).AddArgument($item.Name) $Task.RunspacePool = $RunspacePool $status= $Task.BeginInvoke() $Tasks += @($status,$Task,$item.Name) } Register-EngineEvent -SourceIdentifier Delta -Action { Remove-Event -SourceIdentifier Delta if($event.MessageData -eq "Access") { $filename = $args[0] #got file Lock-Object $deltafile.SyncRoot{ $deltafile[$filename]=1} #lock& load } elseif ($event.Messagedata -eq "Burst") { #do something } } while ($Tasks.isCompleted -contains $false){ } #check results of tasks for ($i=0; $i -lt $Tasks.Count; $i=$i+3){ $match=$Tasks[$i+1].EndInvoke($Tasks[$i]) if ($match.Count -gt 0) { # update clasafication array $obj = New-Object System.Object $obj | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name File -Value $Tasks[$i+2] #defaults $obj| Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name Secret -Value 0 $obj| Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name Sensitive -Value 0 $obj| Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name Numbers -Value 0 $obj=updatecnts $match $obj $outarray += $obj } $Tasks[$i+1].Dispose() } $outarray | Out-GridView -Title "Content Classification" #display #run event handler as a separate job Start-Job -Name EventHandler -ScriptBlock({C:\Users\bob\Documents\evhandler.ps1}) #run event handler in background while ($true) { #the master executive loop Start-Sleep -seconds 10 Lock-Object $deltafile.SyncRoot { #lock and iterate through synchronized list foreach ($key in $deltafile.Keys) { $filename=$key if($deltafile[$key] -eq 0) { continue} #nothing new $deltafile[$key]=0 $match = & $scan $filename #run scriptblock #incremental part $found=$false $class=$false if($match.Count -gt 0) {$class =$true} #found sensitive data if($outarray.File -contains $filename) {$found = $true} #already in the array if (!$found -and !$class){continue} #let's add/update if (!$found) { $obj = New-Object System.Object $obj | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name File -Value $Tasks[$i+2] #defaults $obj| Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name Secret -Value 0 $obj| Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name Sensitive -Value 0 $obj| Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name Numbers -Value 0 $obj=updatecnts $match $obj } else { $outarray|? {$_.File -eq $filename} | % { updatecnts $match $_} } $outarray | Out-GridView -Title "Content Classification ( $(get-date -format M/d/yy:HH:MM) )" } #foreach } #lock }#while Write-Host "Done!"
In short, the classifier does an initial sweep of the files in a folder, stores the classification results in $outarray
$outarray, and then when a file modification event shows up, it updates and displays $outarray
$outarray with new classification data. In other words, incremental scanning.
There’s a small side issue of having to deal with updates to $outarray
$outarray that can happen at any time while in another part of the classification script I’m actually looking to see what’s changed in this hashtable variable.
It’s a classic race condition. And the way I chose to handle it is to use PowerShell’s synchronized variables.
I’ll talk more about this mystifying PowerShell feature in the next post, and conclude with some words of advice on rolling-your-own solutions.
What should I do now?
Below are three ways you can continue your journey to reduce data risk at your company:
Schedule a demo with us to see Varonis in action. We'll personalize the session to your org's data security needs and answer any questions.
See a sample of our Data Risk Assessment and learn the risks that could be lingering in your environment. Varonis' DRA is completely free and offers a clear path to automated remediation.
Follow us on LinkedIn, YouTube, and X (Twitter) for bite-sized insights on all things data security, including DSPM, threat detection, AI security, and more.
