Michael Buckbee

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Layered Security - IOSS 14

Michael Buckbee

Michael Buckbee

Layered security refers to the practice of combining various security defenses to protect the entire system against threats. The idea is that if one layer fails, there are other functioning...

EU GDPR: Data Rights and Security Obligations [INFOGRAPHIC]

Michael Buckbee

Michael Buckbee

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) isn’t light reading (though we’ve done our best with the Plain English Guide to the GDPR. However, it doesn’t mean that this law’s...

The Essential Guide to Identifying Your Organization’s Most Sensitive Content

Michael Buckbee

Michael Buckbee

What do hackers want? If you answered money — always a safe bet — then you’d be right. According to the Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR), financial gain still is...

GDPR: Pseudonymization as an Alternative to Encryption

Michael Buckbee

Michael Buckbee

Have I mentioned lately that the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a complicated law? Sure, there are some underlying principles, such as Privacy by Design (PbD) and other ideas,...

What is The Cyber Kill Chain and How to Use it Effectively

Michael Buckbee

Michael Buckbee

The cyber kill chain maps the stages of a cyberattack from the early reconnaissance stages to data exfiltration. The cyber kill chain helps us understand and combat ransomware, security breaches, and advanced persistent attacks (APTs).

Password Security Tips for Very Busy People

Michael Buckbee

Michael Buckbee

If you needed another reminder that you shouldn’t use the same password on multiple online sites, yesterday’s news about the hacking of Mark Zuckerberg’s Twitter and Pinterest accounts is your...

How has Ransomware Impacted the US Government?

Michael Buckbee

Michael Buckbee

Ransomware crimes have been soaring this year. It has stalled the operations of not only hospitals and businesses, but also the US government – federal, state and local governments, law enforcement...

Ransomware That Deletes Your Files

Michael Buckbee

Michael Buckbee

Organizations with legal obligations to prevent data from improper alteration or destruction—I’m talking to you healthcare orgs that fall under HIPAA– really need to pay close attention to a new...

CyptMix Ransomware Claims to Donate Your Ransom Payment to Charity

Michael Buckbee

Michael Buckbee

Unlike traditional ransomware notes that rely on fear-based tactics, a new ransomware strain called CyptMix preys on your generosity. Part of the ransom note reads: “Your money will be spent...

Lessons From the Goldcorp Extortion

Michael Buckbee

Michael Buckbee

Unfortunately, another breach has made the headlines and it’s déjà vu all over again. The narrative surrounding the Goldcorp breach is similar to other doxing attacks: Attackers appear to have...

Interesting Deloitte Research on Insider Threats

Michael Buckbee

Michael Buckbee

We’re excited that Deloitte, the international auditing and consulting firm, has been raising the alarms on insider threats. They have some content in the CIO section of the Wall Street...

Visualize your risk with the DatAlert dashboard

Michael Buckbee

Michael Buckbee

Last week, we introduced over 20 new threat models to help defend your data against insider threats, ransomware attacks and threats to your most sensitive data. But with all this...

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