Michael Buckbee

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Practical PowerShell for IT Security, Part IV:  Security Scripting Platform (SSP)

Michael Buckbee

Michael Buckbee

In the previous post in this series, I suggested that it may be possible to unify my separate scripts — one for event handling, the other for classification — into...

Introducing the Automation Engine, DatAlert Analytics Rewind, and more

Michael Buckbee

Michael Buckbee

Getting to least privilege can be a nightmare. The first steps – tracking down inconsistent ACLs and remediating global access groups can turn even the most basic file share clean-up...

Varonis + Splunk: Epic Threat Detection and Investigations

Michael Buckbee

Michael Buckbee

We’re bringing our powerful DatAlert functionality to Splunk® Enterprise to give you comprehensive visibility into data security with our new Varonis App fo

Data Security Compliance and DatAdvantage, Part III:  Protect and Monitor

Michael Buckbee

Michael Buckbee

At the end of the previous post, we took up the nuts-and-bolts issues of protecting sensitive data in an organization’s file system. One popular approach, least-privileged access model, is often...

Data Security Compliance and DatAdvantage, Part II:  More on Risk Assessment

Michael Buckbee

Michael Buckbee

I can’t really overstate the importance of risk assessments in data security standards. It’s really at the core of everything you subsequently do in a security program. In this post...

Practical PowerShell for IT Security, Part III: Classification on a Budget

Michael Buckbee

Michael Buckbee

Last time, with a few lines of PowerShell code, I launched an entire new software category, File Access Analytics (FAA). My 15-minutes of fame is almost over, but I was...

Data Security Compliance and DatAdvantage, Part I:  Essential Reports for Risk Assessment

Michael Buckbee

Michael Buckbee

Over the last few years, I’ve written about many different data security standards, data laws, and regulations. So I feel comfortable in saying there are some similarities in the EU’s...

Practical PowerShell for IT Security, Part II: File Access Analytics (FAA)

Michael Buckbee

Michael Buckbee

In working on this series, I almost feel that with PowerShell we have technology that somehow time-traveled back from the future. Remember on Star Trek – the original of course...

Cybercrime Laws Get Serious: Canada’s PIPEDA and CCIRC

Michael Buckbee

Michael Buckbee

In this series on governmental responses to cybercrime, we’re taking a look at how countries through their laws are dealing with broad attacks against IT infrastructure beyond just data theft....

Varonis eBook: Pen Testing Active Directory Environments

Michael Buckbee

Michael Buckbee

You may have been following our series of posts on pen testing Active Directory environments and learned about the awesome powers of PowerView. No doubt you were wowed by our cliffhanger...

Practical PowerShell for IT Security, Part I: File Event Monitoring

Michael Buckbee

Michael Buckbee

Back when I was writing the ultimate penetration testing series to help humankind deal with hackers, I came across some interesting PowerShell cmdlets and techniques. I made the remarkable discovery...

Cloudbleed - Cloudflare Unauthorized Data Leak

Michael Buckbee

Michael Buckbee

Cloudflare is a huge internet infrastructure company (5.5 million websites), which means that you likely use them every day that you’re online, without ever realizing it. Depending on what metric...

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