Jeff Brown

Latest articles

12 Group Policy Best Practices: Settings and Tips for Admins

Jeff Brown

Jeff Brown

Group Policy configures settings, behavior, and privileges for user and computers. In this article, you’ll learn best practices when working with Group Policy.

How to Install and Import Active Directory PowerShell Module

Jeff Brown

Jeff Brown

The Active Directory PowerShell module is a powerful tool for managing Active Directory. Learn how to install and import the module in this detailed tutorial!

Securing Azure Blob Storage: Set-Up Guide

Jeff Brown

Jeff Brown

Security is vital in today’s cloud-first environment. Cloud services are often enabled to solve an issue quickly, but no one goes back to verify if security best practices have been…

Azure CLI Overview: Setup, Comparison, and Integration Tips

Jeff Brown

Jeff Brown

The Azure CLI is a command-line tool for managing your Azure environment. This article covers the benefits of Azure CLI and how to get started using it!

Exploring ARM Templates: Azure Resource Manager Tutorial

Jeff Brown

Jeff Brown

Are you tired of clicking around the Azure portal creating virtual machines, storage accounts, and app services? Do you need a reliable method of creating the same environment multiple times?…

Azure Bicep: Getting Started and How-To Guide

Jeff Brown

Jeff Brown

Learn more about Azure Bicep, Microsoft’s new infrastructure as a code language for deploying Azure resources. Contact Varonis today for more information.

How to Create an Azure Virtual Network

Jeff Brown

Jeff Brown

Azure Virtual Networks are the core of any Azure deployment. Learn the basics of Azure Virtual Networks and how to create one using three different methods.

Git Branching and Merging: A Step-By-Step Guide

Jeff Brown

Jeff Brown

In previous articles, you learned “How to Revert a Commit in Git” (a PowerShell Git tutorial) and “How to Merge in Git: Remote and Local Git Repositories Tutorial.” You can…

How to Create and Manage the Azure Network Watcher Resource

Jeff Brown

Jeff Brown

The Azure Network Watcher comes with great diagnostic and monitoring tools. Learn more about how to create a Network Watcher and manage its components.

PowerShell Variable Scope Guide: Using Scope in Scripts and Modules

Jeff Brown

Jeff Brown

PowerShell variable scopes can cause confusion in writing scripts and functions. This post will cover PowerShell scopes in relation to scripts and modules.

How to Merge in Git: Remote and Local Git Repositories Tutorial

Jeff Brown

Jeff Brown

Follow this PowerShell Git tutorial on how to merge in Git, meaning how to take a local repository and merge it into a remote repository.

How to Revert a Commit in Git (PowerShell Git Tutorial)

Jeff Brown

Jeff Brown

This PowerShell tutorial shows how revert to a previous Git commit in a local repository — Git can be used locally without a remote repository.


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